Monday 28 November 7.30pm – 8.30pm via zoom
Dear Club Secretaries,
All clubs within Sydney East Hockey Association (SEHA) as allocated by HockeyNSW are invited to attend the virtual Annual General Meeting on Monday 28 November 2022 commencing 7.30pm via zoom.
Each club will be entitled to give one (1) vote, if there is more than one nominee for a position. Each club may have up to 5 club members attend the AGM.
Also please find attached:
It will be necessary to fill the following 4 Board director positions:
*For the above positions the current incumbents can renominate as per the special resolution passed at AGM 2021:
which updated our SEHA Constitution to allow directors to re-stand for election at conclusion of their 2x2year term by removing clause 15.4 (b) from the Constitution”
Other Board positions: Womens, Governance and Representative Director on year one of a 2 year term.
Summary of the club actions required to be returned to
Note - Members entitled to vote may submit notices of motion for inclusion as special business at a General Meeting. All notices of motion must be submitted in writing to the Secretary not less than thirty-five (35) days (excluding receiving date and meeting date) prior to the General Meeting
ACTIONS: due by COB 21 November 2022 as follow:
AGM papers pack can be downloaded below.
Any questions at all, please email: or contact me.
Kind regards
Kathy Calokerinos
SEHA President