
SEHA proudly boasts many experienced umpires and umpire coaches who are willing to share their many years of technical and practical umpiring expertise at our umpire rule nights and workshops.

Step Up – Umpires - Whistle Warrior Program

SEHA encourages you to improve your knowledge and application of the rules of hockey by:

· familiarising yourself with the current FIH Hockey Rules and also any local departures from the rules as required in our local SEHA competition Rules (womens, juniors or schoolgirls)

· developing an awareness of the variety of skills required for good adjudication of the game

· having the confidence to practise and integrate acquired knowledge and skills into your personal game.

Gaining Accreditation in 3 Steps

Step 1 - register/complete NCAS online module in your own time at this LINK

Level Community cost: free,

Level1 cost: $50 to Hockey Australia

Step 2 – advise your club umpiring convenor that you wish to become an umpire

Be nominated as an umpire candidate by your club for development prior to assessment by your association assessor.

Read the rules and attend SEHA umpire briefing sessions

Practice umpiring on games and obtain feedback by an umpire coach

Step 3 - Practical assessment by a SEHA authorised assessor can be organised by your club umpiring convenor when you are ready for assessment.


SEHA Whistle Warrior Junior Beginner Umpire Workshops

Attention Club Umpire coordinators to organise a Whistle Warrior Umpire Workshop at your Club contact

Rule Nights

SEHA conducts annual Umpire and Official Brieifings every preseason to ensure our people are upto date and armed with the latest information.

We are very fortunate that umpires of the calibre of Lisa Roach (international) and Debbie Dodd share their technical expertise with our grass roots umpires. 

  • Download Rule
  • 2022 Umpire & Official Briefing powerpoints here


Umpire Coaching 

SEHA Umpire Coaches liaise with your Club to prepare and assess upcoming umpires for practical accreditation.

We use the HNSW SportsCard application to provide feedback to umpires.

How to create a Sportscard account Instructions here.

